Hey, This is my first ever game made in Love2d for the Pirate Software Game Jam.

The main themes for this game where Shadows and Alchemy, which I decided to implement in a simple way. My game generates different paths (=shadows part) which are 'safe' or 'dangerous', and you can tell them apart by the animations (= alchemy part) which appear on the paths from time to time. Your goal is to pick all the correct 'safe' paths all the way until there is only one more left, therefore winning the game!

(I understand this game isn't anything exciting but I hope it was something good enough to be considered a game for the game jam)

Thanks for playing :)

(link for game design doc: 

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HuQnrWer_lfRhrdlHL_ItWOQv1vLAEvOJz2_909p7uM/...   )


GameJamDoc.pdf 77 kB